Monday, October 3, 2011


On Friday, we began our first, formal science experiment following the Scientific Method.  This experiment, called "Bubbles", allows us to bring together the Science Safety, Lab equipment, and Metric Measuring that we have been working on this year.  It is also an interesting way to introduce the studnets to the Scientific Method.


Title: Bubbles

1. Problem: Given the supplies you have, which brand of dish washing liquid will make the biggest bubble?

2. Research:

3. Hypothesis:

4. Experiment:

 A. Materials (list)

soap solution
paper towels
metric ruler
safety glasses

B. Procedures (numbered sentences)

First, make a data chart. Then:
1. Obtain your materials, clear off your desk, and read the entire experiment before you begin.
2. Put __ drops of soap solution on your desk.
3. Place the end of the straw under the surface of the bubble. Blow gently in the other end to create a bubble on the surface of the desk.
4. As soon as the bubble bursts, measure the diameter of the bubbles footprint and record it. Wipe the surface dry and repeat from step # 2.
5. Practice this several times until you are good at it. Once you are good at blowing bubbles, record the diameter of the next 5 bubbles you blow under the Grand Finale. (Remember, it’s the next 5 bubbles you blow, you can’t pick and choose the bubbles you want.)
6. Find the average diameter for those 5 bubbles and record it.
7. Clean up.

5. Observations:
Your observations will include 2 things. One is your data chart. On your final draft you can write, “See data chart” and attach your data chart to the end of your lab report. This is known as your Quantitative results.

The second part of your observations will be the Qualitative results. This is where you write what happened and any interesting things you observed.

6. Conclusion: In your own words, you will answer questions A, B, C, and D that are on your Scientific Method Guidelines sheet. For this experiment, I also want you to answer the following questions.

1. What are the controls in this experiment? The controls are the parts of the experiment that are kept the same throughout the experiment.

2. What is the variable in this experiment? The variable is the part of the experiment that is changed. It is what you are testing.

3. What are some possible sources of error in this experiment? A source of error are things outside of your control that might have had an impact on the results of your experiment.

7. Repeat the work.

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