Here is a list of the birds seen on this mornings "Spring Bird Walks in Reading" This third in a series of Spring bird walks was held at the Town Forest and enjoyed by 14 people.
A glorious morning for birding! 49 species of birds seen and heard this morning in the Reading Town Forest. Baltimore orioles were the "Bird of the Day" as they were everywhere, singing and chasing one another.
Great blue heron - 1
Green heron - 2
Canada goose - 4
Wood duck - 1
Mallard - 1
Virgina rail - 3
Spotted sandpiper - 1 sitting atop a Muskrat den
Herring gull - 1
Mourning dove - 6
Chimney swift - 5
Belted kingfisher - 1 hanging around it's nesting hole in a dirt bank
Downy woodpecker - 2
Eastern kingbird - 2
Blue-headed vireo - 1
Warbling vireo - 5
Red-eyed vireo - 1
Blue jay - 7
Crow - 3
Tree swallow - 4
Barn swallow - 2
Black-capped chickadee - 7 2 going in and out of nest hole. 1 took out a fecal sac.
House wren - 1
Winter wren - 1
Ruby-crowned kinglet - 1
Blue-gray gnatcatcher - 1
Bluebird - 1
Hermit thrush - 1
Robin - 7
Gray catbird - 6
Nashville warbler - 2
N. parula - 3
Yellow warbler - 3
Yellow-rumped warbler - 1
Pine warbler - 3 1 carrying nesting material
Palm warbler - 2
Black-and-white warbler - 2
Am. redstart - 1
Ovenbird - 1
Norther waterthrush - new Town bird for me. Along the Ipswich river. Great looks from 15 feet!
Common yellowthroat - 3
Chipping sparrow - 2
Swamp sparrow - 4
Cardinal - 1
Rose-breasted grosbeak - 1
Red-winged blackbird - 17
Grackle - 15
Brown-headed cowbird - 1
Baltimore oriole - 15
Goldfinch - 12
House sparrow - 2
Baltimore oriole image taken from: chandra.as.utexas.edu
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