Thursday, January 28, 2010

Lab Reports!

The "Heat Race" lab report was handed in today.  The kids worked hard on it over the past 4 days.  They wrote up their results following the Scientific Method.
Scientific Method Guidelines

The scientific method is a series of logical steps a scientist or a student can follow to help them solve a problem. All laboratory experiments should be written up in the same manner. Follow this sheet as a guide to write your lab reports for the entire year. List each category separately and always use complete sentences.

Title: This is what you call the experiment, and it is centered on the page and underlined.
1. Problem: This is the reason for doing the experiment. It is usually written in the form of a question.
2. Hypothesis: This is an educated guess that answers the question asked in the problem. It is a possible solution to the problem, so make your hypothesis before actually doing the experiment. Include a reason for your “guess”.
3. Experiment:
A. Materials: This is the list of materials used to carry out the experiment, like an
Ingredient list in a recipe.

B. Procedures: The steps you need to follow in order to carry out an experiment. These are written in numbered sequence.
4. Observations: There are two types of observations to be included here. First are the quantitative results. This data is usually expressed in numbers or measurements, and recorded on a data table and/or graph.
The second type of observation is the qualitative results. This is the written description of “what happened” during the experiment. This is where you write what you observed.
5. Conclusion: In the conclusion you always answer the following questions:
A. Did your results support your hypothesis?
B. What did you learn from this experiment?
C. How does this experiment apply to the real world?
D. What recommendations can you make for further testing?
You may also be given other questions to answer that are specific to the experiment you are doing.

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