Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Science Safety Posters

All of the students designed and made a poster illustrating one of the science safety rules we have been learning.

Science Safety Poster Assignment

Your Assignment is to design and make a poster illustrating one of the Science Safety rules we’ve discussed in class. The following is a list of guidelines to help you. This assignment is due next Friday, (Sept. 16th).

• Your grade is based on three things:

1. How effectively the rule is communicated

2. Creativity

3. Neatness

• You must illustrate only one rule. You do not have to write the rule on your poster. You can communicate it through the use of symbols, pictures, etc.

• Do a lot of planning! Sketch out several drafts of ideas on math paper.

• The minimum size of the poster is 14 inches by 18 inches. The maximum size is 18 inches by 24 inches.

• If you want to use a sense of humor, come up with a catchy saying.

• Put some thought into a color scheme.

• Don’t make your poster too busy.

• You may use colored pencils, markers, crayons, paints, cut paper, stencils, etc.

• The poster should be your own work.


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