Monday, November 22, 2010

Liquid Densities

                                           Liquid Densities

Follow the directions below step-by-step. Record your observations on the lines provided.

1. Gather all of the materials and then read all of the procedures.
2. Pour approximately 3cm of liquid A into the test tube.
3. Pour approximately 3cm of liquid B into the test tube. Describe what happens.

4. Pour approximately 3 cm of liquid C into the test tube. Describe what happens and what the column of water now looks like.

5. Pour approximately 3cm of liquid D into the test tube. Describe what happens and what the column of water now looks like.

6. On the back of this sheet, sketch the test tube with the 4 different liquids in them. Label each layer with its name and density.

7. Gently shake up the test tube and then put it back into the test tube rack and let it settle for approximately 5 minutes. Describe what the column of water looked like when you shook it up and what it looked like after 5 minutes.

8. Why do you think the 4 liquids layered out like they did?

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